Jumping ahead in time a little again – in celebration of Halloween – with ambibat at ABC No-Rio on Halloween in 1999. For this performance we turned off the lights, lit candles and Blaise put a flashlight in is sax (at 5:46). This meant no one could see the video camera I set up on a tripod in the back, so at 2:40 a couple of girls stand in front of the lens and bump into it, throwing the autofocus off. After a while they realize they're in the shot (it's funny seeing the girl look directly into the lens) and they walk away, but the camera remains out of focus. ambibat + flickering shapes and lights = spooky.
Back in 2003 I finished a documentary on the music scene from my hometown of Bellmore, Long Island. But Bellmore: The Unscene only scratched the surface of the Bellmore scene. My intentions with this blog is to dive deeper into the music and people of Bellmore. I also don't expect people outside of Bellmore to care about this blog but just in case they're interested, they're welcome to browse and learn. This will largely be the place for the people of Bellmore to replace the copy of Colonel Bastard's Horny Left Nut Band they lost or to relive an old Intellectuals show at La Serayña... amongst other things Bellmore.
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