Monday, April 18, 2011

Eggplant Queens @ Juke Joint 213 (7/27/02)

This show was sort of a farewell to the Juke Joint. Christine Frey's mom had sold the bar and the new owner was kinda creepy and the clientele changed. So this was one last time for the Eggplant Queens and the punks of Bellmore to trash the place.

Johnny Styne "God Bless America" & Eggplant Queens "Nice Life"

"Old Man Joe"



"Rock Out"

This was Michael McCarthy's second show with EQ so you can see him checking his notebook for chord progressions before this next one. And Ron does a little mugging for the camera…

"One Way Street"

It gets really out of hand during the last song of the night...

"Don't Do That"

Here's Brian Gressler's recording of the night…

[DOWNLOAD] Eggplant Queens @ Juke Joint 213 (7/27/02)
01- God Bless America (Johnny Styne)
02- Nice Life
03- Mud Muscle
04- Old Man Joe
05- Rotting Decay
06- Mother H
07- Disco Queen
08- Patty
09- Free
10- Drugs
11- Shame
12- Rock Out
13- Kill, Kill, Kill
14- Ass Rape Song
15- Voices
16- One Way Street
17- Don't Do That

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