Back in high school, Steve Zielinski once showed me a short story he had written with Billy Kelly during photography class (although Billy has no recollection of ever writing this story). It actually wasn't a short was more like an outline written on one of those brown paper towels you find in schools. It was a surreal story about a young man named Chip Chiquita who had a fascination with banana sandwiches. A year later, during my freshman year of college, I got the jones to make another short film. I remembered Steve and Billy's story and used it as a foundation to build upon.
What would make A Day In The Life Of Chip unique compared to past Bubjunior productions; A Barking Spider Christmas (1988) and Nude and Dismembered (1989), is that this would be the first time we'd actually be able to edit – that means multiple takes and shooting out of sequence! A friend of mine from SVA had contacts with his old school which had a video editing system, so he offered his/it's services.
I asked Steve to play the lead role of Chip Chiquita and I put the word out that I needed some more actors...whoever wanted to help. John Hoffman, Bob Socci and Vic Montalvo answered the call. Andy Christou was my roommate so he was also in. Kevin Purcell went away to college, otherwise I'm sure he would've been involved. I'm not sure why Joe Kollar wasn't a part of it? Though, soon afterwards, he'd be making short films under the Bubjunior Productions moniker as well.
Here's the short...including some bloopers during the end credits...
The end result was nothing more than an amateurish effort – poor acting, poor editing, etc. – but it was a another stepping stone towards more.
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF CHIP Starring: Steve Zielinski as Chip Chiquita Andrew Christou as Vito John Hoffman as Chip's Uncle & Rose Bob Socci as Lewis & Pepsi Monster Victor M. Montalvo III as Delivery Man & Coke Monster Frank Fusco as Doorman
Written by Frank Fusco, Steve Zielinski & Billy Kelly Edited by Kevin Fallo Directed by Frank Fusco
Back in 2003 I finished a documentary on the music scene from my hometown of Bellmore, Long Island. But Bellmore: The Unscene only scratched the surface of the Bellmore scene. My intentions with this blog is to dive deeper into the music and people of Bellmore. I also don't expect people outside of Bellmore to care about this blog but just in case they're interested, they're welcome to browse and learn. This will largely be the place for the people of Bellmore to replace the copy of Colonel Bastard's Horny Left Nut Band they lost or to relive an old Intellectuals show at La Serayña... amongst other things Bellmore.
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